Happiness is not something you get. It’s something you choose. And that choice can sometimes seem impossible to make, but it can also be the driver to making good decisions about our interactions with others, ourselves and even losing weight. So, what are the habits of profoundly happy people?
Raising three children, volunteering at school, running a small online business and managing a household didn’t leave a lot of time for 39-year-old Ashley Ternan to think about her health. After yo-yo dieting through college and three pregnancies, her ideal weight seemed to be slipping away. Ashley began researching other options and soon found Diet-to-Go.
Did you know that meal delivery services may actually have a smaller carbon footprint than groceries, according to a recent study published in the scientific journal, Resources, Conservation and Recycling?
Did you know that people's happiness levels start to rise after the age of 50? To ensure you’re aging well, at your best and happily, it’s essential you’re getting the proper nutrients — whether from foods or through supplements. This list of the top seven vitamins and minerals for diet, health, and wellness is a great starting point for a discussion with your doctor about how you can make vitamins work for you.
Considering ordering Diet-to-Go? Want to know more? Get the basics about Diet-to-Go and try, "Healthy Eating Made Easy". It's that easy!
Making small changes leads to long-term healthy habits because it’s doable, something you can commit to without feeling deprived or overwhelmed. A new study from the National Institutes of Health found that restricting caloric intake — no matter what you eat — by just 300 a day can lead to major health benefits.
There’s no time like the present to change your life! A recent study shows that there is one thing above all the other health factors that contributes most to an early death.....POOR DIET.
Have you ever felt discouraged when trying to lose weight? What did you do to move past it? We've all experienced a setback in some way and the feeling of frustration and hopelessness that comes along with it.
Registered Dietitian, Exercise Physiologist and a board-certified Sports Dietitian Rebecca Mohning with more than 15 years of experience coaching people through weight loss, exercise, eating right and getting healthy is here to help Diet-to-Go customers achieve their goals.
For Amy Mitchell, an account executive at Diet-to-Go, weighing an unhealthy amount led to major health problems. At age 30, Amy had already been taking medication to lower her cholesterol. Amy's wake-up call came when she had to have her gallbladder removed. “After that, I did a lot of Web MD and Google searching about it...and I found out fast food did that to me,” Amy said. “I was eating that two, three times a day. … I blame fast food for America’s weight problems. It was definitely my problem.” Amy said she gave up fast food and started cooking at home to start. She also started running, even training for marathons.
Let’s face it, weight loss is not an easy goal to accomplish. Thousands of bloggers and websites claim to be dedicated to helping you sort through this information to figure out what works for you — but where do you even start?
We compiled a list of the top 100 weight loss bloggers for 2020 — the people who built websites dedicated to sharing everything from healthy recipes, to the best weight loss diets, to keto information, to fitness, to healthy living and wellness and so much more.
It’s November, and for most of us that means a lot of fun, family parties and all the joy that comes with them. But the start of November’s holiday season also means we’re hit with the double whammy: High-calorie temptations and stress — both of which are known causes of weight gain that can take up to five months to burn off.
Luckily, there are ways we can combat the issue while still enjoying all that the holidays have to offer. Here are 15 Quick-and-Easy Ways to Beat the Holiday Bulge:
Yes, it can be the “most wonderful time of the year.” But for most of us, it’s also the most stressful time of the year. And if you allow yourself to get stressed and stay stressed, you could be sabotaging your own weight-loss success.
When we’re stressed, our bodies produce a higher concentration of cortisol, which in turn boosts our appetites — especially for junk food — and ultimately increases belly fat. That’s why we’re highlighting 7 quick, easy, and inconspicuous ways to de-stress during the holiday madness!
Thanksgiving. A time to be thankful, a time to be with family, a time for...stress! While the holidays are a wonderful time of year they can also be an incredibly stressful time. While we can’t tell you how to have a completely tranquil, hassle-free Thanksgiving (after all, we can't control Aunt Betty), we can give you some tips and ideas on how to have a relatively stress-free Thanksgiving by looking to what science has identified as our best bets for overall stress reduction.
It wasn't too long ago in our human history when food served one simple purpose - to sustain life. Why, then, has food morphed into an obsession that has long ago passed the point of enjoyability, and instead turned into a problem? Why do we overeat? Why can’t we stop ourselves from chowing down junk food? Why are we so driven by our next meal? Here are 8 reasons, backed by science, that show why we often consume copious, unhealthy amounts of food — and how we can stop.
At Diet-to-Go, our mission is to help customers meet their individual health goals, learn what healthy eating looks like, and do it for life.
We go above and beyond to ensure the quality of every meal we produce. Here's why we are beyond compare.
The air is getting a bit crisper and the days a bit shorter -- and that means fall is in full swing. Pumpkin works well in [many dessert items], but it’s also an ingredient that can star in snacks, dinners and breakfasts.With that in mind, we rounded up 8 pumpkin themed recipes you’ll want to make again and again.
The proper amount of vitamins is critical to overall wellness, but does it matter where those vitamins come from? A recent study from Tufts University explored that very question and this is what they found.
The air is crisper, the leaves are changing color and there may even be a snowfall every once in awhile. That means one thing — autumn is in full swing, and those fall flavors of pumpkin, butternut squash, pear, cranberry and apple are fresh and ready for you to turn into delicious dishes. We rounded up 4 dinner and dessert pairings (8 recipes total) that literally taste like autumn on a plate.
Ever wonder how new Diet-to-Go meals are created? Explore the 19 new meals are brought to you by Diet-to-Go's Senior Vice President, the Head Chef and You, the customer!